
This post (and many others) shows how the lifehacker community needs a forum ;)

Winter? Cold? I live in LA, what's that? hehe.

I love LOVE love my AmEx Blue Cash card. I use it for absolutely everything, and come end of the year, I am typically owed 500-1K

Modded XBOX + XBMC for the win. and Lifehacker has a howto on how to hack up your old xbox to do this. Just do a search. :)

My obsession with lifehacks is an all-around thing that includes my health. So, it's that same inner-drive for productivity that keeps me wanting to better myself physically also. I've also been very active and an athlete since a young age, so not being active just doesn't feel right.

A big fat "Duh.." to this article. In person is most productive. Phone is second, and text communication (email/sms) is last.

Call me Paranoid, but my desktop is on a raid10 array. I also sync nightly my important files to my raid5 nas box.

Dash is looking great!

Mashable has really been pumping out some great posts lately. Seems you guys have noticed too.

Not sure how I feel about skimping $ on food. IMO my health is the most important thing in my life (maybe since I've had health probs) but what is life if you don't have health?

Personally I am sick of eyecandy. Instead of a dock, I use Hotkeys for my most common apps. Keeps clutter off the desktop and is equally functional.

This is a neat idea to track weightloss I think also.

I've been using this app for a while. Great lil utility. I have 2 net connections at home, perfect when I want to switch from one to the other.


A similar app is copyhandler (google it, i dont remember if it's at [copyhandler.com] or not) But this looks very interesting.

I don't understand the need for the complete control of what your children do/say. Maybe it is because I am not a parent. But going based on my own parents approach. They simply encouraged a reward system for being good students, athletes etc. If we did something good, we got praise. Therefore, my brothers and I

There's an app that does most if not all of this.

Funny because I've been wanting to re-do my cabinets since I moved in to this new place.

Oh man. I've been looking for something like this.

@sam-i-am: Is the purpose of lifehacker to live a better life? I'd hope so.