Rajan Jangda

We are actively seeking new ways to humiliate him and make his life miserable. I’m all about innovation.

The Vector W8's steering wheel is absolutely disgusting.

I’ve done 5 Gumballs. Many dicks, but some great people back in the day, among the Charles Morgan, Jr, friend of all real car guys. There were many, many more such characters, and I miss them all.


Because Racecar™

Trying plowing a field with your Diablo you decadent western pig.

So what you’re saying is that the Indian press is pretty much like the US press ....

What, we don’t get to lynch the teacher? That’s no fun!

You mispelt moron

It’s a little more complicated than that. An aircraft carrier is a projection of military power, but an island is an extension of territorial boundaries, giving China (in this case) claims on navigation, mineral, and fishing resources. This is not insignificant, especially to China’s neighbors.

So, basically, China is doing exactly what we would do. Especially if we didn’t have carriers. We can’t act all offended when other countries feel the need to answer our own military posturing.