Rajan Jangda

Sadly overshadowed by its more famous younger brother.


dude is biting future so damn hard

You misinterpreted what I wrote, I wasn’t trying to be a troll or mean.

Obviously, but throwing stones at an old man who’s done very little wrong and an awful lot of good is sadly a sport round here.

F1 F-Duct

The early 1980’s were fun in that we knew enough about aero to want to play with it, but not enough to actually know what the hell we were doing. In Can-Am 1983, all sorts of weird aero configurations were popping up. Herm Adam’s apparently thought “Why not make the whole damn car a wing?”

The Our Lady of Perpetual Downforce Honda Civic, of course!

Things really were bloody weird back then....

Toyota’s rear wing on their LMP1 car at Le Mans in 2014. Ridiculous in the sense that they were very smart in figuring out how to pull this off.

A pretty bold approach for such a conservative automaker. At the time BMW joked that if it worked, they would redesign their wind tunnel, which they did.

Elf/Tyrell P34 - the smaller front wheels were supposedly more aerodynamic.

I mean, how’s that going to help with downforce?

BT46. And before you haters yell- yep, this is still aero. Very specific, but still aero.

Now playing

You mean besides the 2J? Cause its the 2J

The Chaparral 2H is a worthy contender.

Gotta be these.
Banned due to safety concerns, there were a few collapses, worries about them being a bit slicey/dicey etc...

Ferrari’s double wing from 1982. It was done as a protest to the super ground effect Lotus 80. It didn’t really work and the car was banned, but it was definitely weird.

Arrows A22