Rajan Jangda

They shat on their own lore, not interested.

Maybe it’s entirely possible that soccer as a whole is a lot more competitive than it used to be? 

You can’t just simply assume that you have a god-given right to qualify for a World Cup just because you refuse to believe that it’s entirely possible that other teams have caught up?

Look elsewhere, Argentina almost

Replace “Wears Camo” with “Wears English soccer team merch”, “Hates NBA” with “Hates cricket” and “Drives a Pick-Up” with “Drives a Vauxhall/Jaguar” and you’ve absolutely nailed the UK edition.

As an Indian, I find her to be a mild irrelevant embarrassment.

This is why the world thinks NASCAR is motorsport’s retard....

Mclaren fans.... why aren’t I surprised? lol

Super Season makes perfect sense, you freeze everyone’s development & get to shift the start of subsequent seasons, also, look at that end of season run-in :

- 12hrs Sebring
- 6hrs Spa
- 24hrs Le Mans

^That’s the best possible final 3 races they could ever have.

#InB4 Random British historian tries to debunk the evidence to favour Christianity as they always do....

Kinda hypocritical given that the’s closing down Irwindale and by proxy making people turn to street racing...

It’s OK to touch yourselves guys...

Probably share’s the McLaren’s core element of through-flowing aero.

I find that it’s beautifully simplistic, which is unfortunately not what people want from a Lamborghini.

Similar story to how the UK scenes devolved into idiocy like “cruisin” and “flexin”, but this was before smartphones and social media, all it took was one person to bring the wrong friend who’d then go tell another and another and another, till before you knew it all the spots devolved into penis-waving contests which

I believe he’s speaking Essex...

Lazy rendering right?

This would have been so much better if the renders weren’t so clunkily and lazily done in the most rushed manner possible, they didn’t even bother to make them suit the bodywork lines, they just dumped the most square blocky nonsensical and ill-fitting iteration possible.

Typical white supremacist.

You have a very narrow-minded and British-biased understanding of what Britain was really up to at the time...

The British deliberately would exacerbate these problems for their own gain.

The truth is that Britain committed several atrocities in India during their occupation, covered them up and refused to acknowledge they ever happened. Britain committed almost 20 large-scale atrocities within the space of 90 years and completely denied they ever happened. Atrocities including and not restricted to