RJ still likes TF2. A lot.

@ShaughnTr0n: Hahaha, me too. It's funny because with most games, it's the other way around.

@Xaoc: Mhmm... and I suppose it's not like Xbox Live where you can do half of the things through the website, without having a console?

@Aflack: Actually I think I thought it was 100 for $10, so half what I said haha

@comtar: It's Vespa haha

Question. Why even buy the PC version if you can just get the PS3 version and have both games? I mean I don't even have a PS3, but if I can get a free game, why not?

@kryptorxx: I'd prefer to charge at it.

@scrapking: MMmmm... for example, I'm having sausage today. But sausage by itself is boring. So I'll be eating it on a bun, with peppers, onions, and marinara sauce. And it will be amazing. I'm hungry.

@gtc: Probably no HDMI because it probably can't handle HD content.

@DocSeuss: Please, Halo is NEVER done. Microsoft is gonna milk that cow for all she's worth. As for being in space - I wish Star Wars Battlefront 3 would be released eventually...

@scrapking: I gotta agree with that first part - I mean, a steak is boring after a while, but replace some of that meat with vegetables and stuff and mix it together and it tastes a lot better.