If it weren’t illegal or dangerous or all of the above, I’d recommend a backfiring system.
If it weren’t illegal or dangerous or all of the above, I’d recommend a backfiring system.
Charmander! Flame thrower attack!
First time I saw a clean FRS rebadged like this I did a triple take, makes it so much nicer and reminiscent of a Supra
As someone who does not support rebading, I support this.
that looks really nice. except the license plate..
Uh. I have the same license plate in KS and my wife has CHRIZRD...: My car.
Did the logo give you 10 more Horsepower?
and that’s why, even though I rarely drive any more, and when I do it’s my beater Camry, I’m quite thankful I live in a state that doesn’t require hideous front license plates.
Sweet plate.
It makes more sense when Toyota is the one that introduced lean manufacturing practices.
That’s a cool front plate. Pokémon Yo!
I like Charmander lol I like what you’ve done to it.
may your tail-fire never go out, sir.
As God intended it.
Woaaah nice plate! I should make my blue Fiesta ST ‘SQUIRTL’ (in Northern VA) and then we can drive around together and have fun!
That licenseplate tho
I always figured there was a reason that Scion’s oval was the same exact dimension as Toyota’s.