
If only I were in charge of that, yes. If it’s an online voting contest and you enter I’ll be sure to game the system in your favor.

You need to read this to him onstage at the first debate. There must be a way.

I rent a 9x13 room in a boardinghouse type situation. I am currently sitting in a diner avoiding a fellow tenant who sits by the entrance all day and gets in peoples’ faces, yelling. She has taken a particular dislike to me because my hair is “the wrong kind of wavy” and because I wore pants once.

That’s why I’m not donating: I’m right on the border of the weight limit, with a history of low blood pressure. But I’ll certainly give money and I’ve asked friends and family to make donation appointments. Directly volunteering is a wise idea that hadn’t crossed my mind; I’ll see if I can.