Despite being a wealthy, white suburb, Bethesda is generally considered a pretty libreral place.
Despite being a wealthy, white suburb, Bethesda is generally considered a pretty libreral place.
I am third-generation Single Mom. And I’ll raise eighty more kids on my own than be forced to co-parent with Duckling’s biological dad because some actor says it’s the right thing to do.
Fellow Lana, the “terrible looking one” is A Dangerous Method and it’s amazing. The woman she plays is central to psychology but of course all we remember are Freud and Jung.
That took me by surprise too. I guess in the last Pirates movie (not counting a 10 second scene in the new one) she was only 22? I didn’t realize she’s only a few years older than me.
It also wasted so much of British history to instead focus on aristocrats deciding who to fuck.
That Freud/Jung one was my MOST singularly uncomfortable movie watching experience. I saw it with my parents and I literally at one point covered my head with my jacket in mortification as she is *spoiler alert* getting sexually spanked. From one Lana to another, by all means watch it, but don’t watch it with your…
The Dutchess was awesome. Not only b/c of a social history of Europe class I took where I had to read an amazing book about the theft of Georigiana’s Portrait.
What do you mean? How can you not help but see the rigorous attacks on the British Class system and social norms in her works about Upper-Class people marrying slightly more or less Upper-Class people.
I hated Downton Abbey because it was a bunch of rich white people desperately trying to hold onto their wealth without wanting to do anything to change their circumstances, but we were supposed to root for them because they were “nice” to their servants because the servants got one day off a year and this was supposed…
The Pirates mention seems like a subtle dig, no? I would namecheck Atonement, The Imitation Game and Pride & Prejudice over those...
This is my favorite cross over ever. All of the hate and vitriol of WYTS, with 100% more floral prints. Perfection. *insert loud, Italian, finger kisses here
I don’t know, I just don’t like them because there’s only so many times one can enjoy watching something that effectively boils down to the negotiation of property rights of Georgian England, but with added “swooning”.
She’s the Man was such a cute movie. Amanda Bynes was a star. She had wonderful comic timing. She could have been my generation’s Jennifer Aniston.
I mean, I made a bit player from 7th Heaven pose for a photo with me at a bakery. Some of us are just sadder in the evenings and we watch a lot of TV.
High fevers are common in toddlers and as unfortunate as it is, there are medical professionals who aren’t well trained to judge if a small child is in distress and declining. I’ve had that very thing happen to my own child several times. The difference is that I was free to find another doctor/hospital and Yasmin…
A few days after the news broke that the trump administration was separating and imprisoning children, my 4 year old daughter caught a 24 hour stomach bug. She was up puking every hour or so all night and I slept next to her, making sure she puked in the bowl, wiping her chin, rubbing her back, giving her sips of…
Also my preferred letterbox checking shoe of choice.
Ha, my nephew’s sandals are the ones next to the garage door (where the trash cans are) and I keep wanting to snag his to go in there. But, 6 year old boy feet so no.
Hahahaha trottin down the driveway like a showhorse