
Well aren’t you lucky.

Regarding Boulder’s liberalness - isn’t it also super white? There are plenty of “liberal” white people who, once you get them talking, are blindingly racist, homophobic and misogynistic.

And you know, I hadn’t thought about that in literally 30 years until Mr. Trump started bringing back memories of all of the shitty things men have done over the years.

“I’m so very sorry, but when we were stitching you up Dr. WTF sewed his finger to your labia. It didn’t worsen the tear, but fluids mixed and we do need to do an HIV test. After we re-sew.”

my obgyn once delivered a baby that was HOLDING ONTO THE IUD THAT TRIED TO THWART IT.

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

Hey guys, I’m starting to think that this Trump guy might not respect women.

Basically I’m thinking a half-melted Peep

I love that his pitch is “Why settle for the lesser of two evils when you can pick me?” and the MAJORITY of his appeal to his supporters is “Well, he’s not the other two, so I guess I’ll settle on him...”



my worst Miss U.

A.) Walking, talking bowl of buttered noodles = perfection

Nah she meant what she meant. A woman whose body is outside the realm of haughty white chaste sexuality is to be admonished to emphasize how it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare cause you’re “good” or whatever bullshit thing white women have used to belittle women of color because they’re threatened that they won’t be in

A tiny, cynical part of my soul imagines that this will somehow be spun into a book followed by a movie, but even if it is, I’m good with it.

I wonder whether he would have much in common with kids his own age. The stuff most 12 year olds are interested inprobably wouldn’t interest a kid who was reading about math theorums at age 5.

This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).

I made a new burner account because I couldn’t remember my password JUST to comment this BUT there is a book called “How to Disappear Completely” about anorexia where the author talks about how women who are small (petite and thin, basically) are romanticized to be mysterious and artsy because they are small (and/or

love it. she must have been quite fed up, trying to talk over the loudest people in the room. remember folks, 300 people shouting is louder than 3000 people being quiet. Bernie/third party voters are out-numbered, and they’re screaming awful loud.