
Hindus... Hindi is a language

<3 discussion

Haha tbh don’t we all “for a hot minute”? But I don’t think I’d wanna spend my life like that, I’d probs get bored/neurotic real fast.

Agreed that the article asks questions worth being asked... doesn’t mean I agree with all her conclusions... she does get rather transphobic...

I’m glad you posted this article. I read it this morning and, while it didn’t articulate my precise point of view, it did raise a lot of topics that I rly wanted to talk about after! I understood her concerns, though I didn’t agree with her conclusions.

Agree with article: the “femininity” that she claims that

Did you see the “Boar gets stuck in Hong Kong Clothing Store” video that immediately follows the Naked Exam video??? <3 that :) :)

I didn’t think of that, but you make a really good point. And I agree, if you wouldn’t do it with a kid here, don’t do it there. Cuz to be honest, an interaction with a Westerner is not going to turn their life around, and “teaching them to braid” is like.... really? The image reminds me of pictures of privileged

for whom...

Yada yada yada

But srsly, courses on the biomechanics and of childbirth and its consequences... what with the pics of prolapses and descriptions of the rectovaginal septum getting pulled apart ... a lot of stuff scared the shit out of me!! Haha but I still want to do a natural birth if possible :)

Thanks for this comment. Also a med student here, and I gotta say I can empathize with the pressure that both sides must feel. I agree completely that it’s not justifiable, the pressure that is sometimes put on pregnant women to to opt for an unnecessary C section, but I appreciate the fact that you delve further into


Well said.

She has the right to say it, if that’s how she feels. Maybe she underestimates how far her voice will reach, but I don’t think she sees herself as “the face of breast cancer” or anything like that.

I think the position is not for opening the butt hole but for "massaging the colon". It pushes the gas along its passage toward the final opening. Not just good for gas, but helps make you regular! ;)

Yessss, thanks for this article. Definitely a subject worth talking about.
I got off almost a year ago, for some of the reasons listed... hormones affect more than just our reproductive system and I was wondering what else about me the birth control form/dose was affecting, plus very very extreme moods with it.

North is adoooooorbs.

haha well i’ve learned a lot about the projects and finances of hilary duff! good for her.
i was just kinda curious, coming from a place of literally having no idea what she’s up to these days. but back in the day i def watched lizzie macguire :P

Ah ok that makes sense. Kewl.

Hmmm ok I definitely see the resemblence to blackface, but I also see what could quite simply be a cool effect due to black lighting (that happens to make her skin look darker). Hard to say if it’s offensive, but personally I lean toward no? I guess it depends on her/the photog’s intentions too...

Also, what is Hilary