

that's brilliant, i've never done that, but i sure will next time

and never get tired of the fun guessing game

or if not talking about it directly, of finding like, i dunno, euphemisms for ethnicity and race.... precisely like, oh you're so tan (wink wink, wanna tell me your racial composition?)!

baaaaarf, shoot me if i ever become this kind of mother!

What a stupid argument, calling non-mothers selfish! One could argue that it's more selfish to have kids, than not to have kids, since resources are limited these days!!! Kids just add to the strain we put on planet earth!
Them mommas are just trying to sanctify their choice to pop some out!! My guy and I have a word

Oh I like this game, thanks for asking Madeleine! I'm way into chemistry as a matter of fact, but also into cooking, and whenever I'm reading HP I'm all like omg I would make some dope ass potions!! I'm sure that Snape and I would have some kind of love-hate relationship, like he'd hate the fact that he loves my

wow i use a lot of slashes when i write

Thanks for the responses :) It's always nice to hear about first hand experience in addition to info in pamphlets/what the gyno tells you.
Yeah, to me cramps and bleeding are a factor, but def not a deal-breaker! Compared to what I'm trying to avoid with hormonal b-c, they're preferable. The pill and the ring really

Like how bad are the cramps and flow? And does it lessen with time? I want to know everything, cuz I'm really considering the copper IUD.
I got off the pill (actually the ring, but same idea) about a year ago and I'm considering my options for non-hormonal birth-control. I'm condoming right now but I know it's

Ditto, 'cept eating dinner

Wtf world does LeAnn Rimes live in???

And anyways, the protests themselves are not negative, it's the reality of our country/our legacy that is negative. To me, the protests feel so positive, not in a pink hearts and puppies way, but in their raw energy and the message they're carrying. What more could you want for

Wait, I don't understand. Are these real dead bodies or people playing dead?? If they're corpses, then that's totes gross. And how? Why???

lol amazing, i'm studying non-stop for exams that are in 3 weeks, and this made me realize... i think i gotta clear my mind in this manner more!!! for me, it'll be the moments when i've crammed so much information in my brain that it feels like it's falling right back out... then back to work with a clear head!

This is just so awful, but these girls are brave as can be. When I read "Grace's" responses by text, it made me so proud that she immediately recognized that she was in fact raped, and immediately knew that it was her right to take action against him. She trusts herself and has confidence. I know that the girls'

loooove this

i live in france, can i have the paris version of your dog??

your dog is def in several places and times at once

Ok this Alex from Target thing, I've realized what's going on! He's special because he's what Justin Bieber DIDN'T become!! He's filling the void that the Justin Bieber of recent years has left us with, and giving us the good wholesome feelings of the smooth-cheeked Justin Bieber of yore!

She's gorgey!!!
I love that she feels that she became someone at 27 or 28. I'm 26 and I feel like I'm on the verge of becoming someone, and her point is that it's not always like specifically becoming something, but kind of a feeling??
I just started studying in France with students straight out of high school (my

Jeez, it's one thing to be against contraception and abortion ones' self, and another to be against anybody practicing these things, and then a whooooole other thing to be against some text that affirms that contraception and abortion exist...
How do pro-lifers expect future pro-lifers to be informed pro-lifers with