Soooooo close to being finished with Karrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllll.
Soooooo close to being finished with Karrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllllll.
That kid was dead from the get go.
The first five minutes I was rather skeptical of the premise. But the mofo's pulled it off.
I was hoping Negan would just kill Carl 4 times.
christ, didn't any of you read the comic? it was pretty fucking obvious that glenn was a goner.
my definition of punk : FUCK YOU.
Amy's friend was horribly annoying and exactly like everyone on long island.
Is Jim Norton ill? He looks horribly gaunt.
I shed some tears during the interview with Sara Wolff.
And…isn't that Michael Strahan in the NFL sketch?
and, that is a really shitty beard he grew
sorta happened in the "Dawn Of The Dead " reboot.
I find myself fast forwarding more and more of this show every week.Is it possible to sink the Abigail and start over with a new cast of characters?
"The older gent is a rare find"
this guys life is one huge "performance art"
Trust The Trumpster… He'll Get It Done! How? "They" will listen to him. Who are "They"? It doesn't matter. "They" will listen to him.
Go "suck a dead dog's cock". I believe that is the proper term in these situations.
that fucking laugh track is likenails on a fucking blackboard
I was pissing my pants watching this episode. fuck the haters.
words hurt.
look at the flowers, James
the death of the andersons is true to the way the comic went.