
I was thinking that he did not learn from the taylor swift nicki minaj thing. If you think its about or your SO, but have no evidence, then don’t say anything.

Zayn Malik - burning all them bridges.

Starred for “dinglehopper”.

I actually don’t mind those, it takes a lot of effort and guesswork out of the gift-giving. Ah, you’re getting married? What can I afford? One fork? Excellent, happy wedding, here is your dinglehopper.

The only thing that could make this story more British would be for him to have driven into a pond after watching England lose on penalties.

I hope one day the surgery can be done with less significant scarring.

Winter couldn’t wear the same clothes her friends were wearing and had to cover her body as much as possible so as not to appear in a way that she didn’t intend to.

I feel for her. I went years refusing to wear v-neck tops because I was uncomfortable with all the cleavage. A while back I just decide I didn’t give a shit. All sorts of women have all sorts of issues with their bodies, but the big-boob issue is kind of unique: if you dress one way, you look “slutty”, if you dress

For some actual Parmigiano-Reggiano porn, I suggest checking out episode 1 of Netflix’s Chef’s Table.

I’m not fooled. I am now convinced that she just wanted to show off her super cool bathroom counter top. And that evidently her obsession is with light installations.

OMG I don’t like Christina’s aesthetic at all, but I would love to see her lifestyle brand. Her tacky, over the top style would be a breath of fresh air among all these white, curated, artisanal sites.

Hi! I’m the “her” referenced in this article (ie Stuart Heritage’s wife). It would have been nice if you’d reached out to me for comment about this. Or to my husband. In case you’re wondering, here’s my take on the matter: http://theparentcrap.com/guardian-comme…

I actually really loved Community all the way up until the end, but I felt that the last episode was SO MUCH a ‘wrapping the show up’ episode that I don’t really think that continuing it is such a hot idea. I know it’s a pretty universal sentiment to rag on the last few seasons, but I really thought that final episode

Now can we have a movie with Troy and Levar Burton having to be rescued from Somalian pirates? Annie can even put her FBI skills to good use...

“I will take responsibility for my poor choice of words but I will not apologize for being a racist as I am NOT.”

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Ireland is.... small.

It’s twitter—you try and fit as much in as possible and don’t worry about apostrophes. and she’s Irish—if you were knocking her for “realised”. Calling out spelling mistakes on stuff like this always feels like reaching for some kind of upper hand of superiority.

Just because Cara Delevingne’s eyebrows cast a shadow over her face doesn’t mean its shade.

I’d rather actually just buy the shoes than buy a pillow telling me to buy the shoes.