its a trick question; zayn was the hottest and second hottest
The outrage over this is ridiculous. The fact that you’re actually linking to that petition is equally ridiculous.
robert mugabe is the literal worst, as he has always been. news at 11
Girl, you gotta keep those whoozits and whatsits in that aplenty status.
Where is all this Swift nonsense coming from? They’ve been dating, like, two seconds. This is one case where I feel like the tabloids are just writing fanfiction.
...I’ll say! a normal penis is about seven inches. Hemsworth is at LEAST 6 ft 5.
That is severe neglect. I hope this means they have lost their license and that no one involved will be in this business again.
Are you there husband?
This is like when my boyfriend was really sweet and nice and did all of our laundry......and ruined my favorite sweatshirt in the process. :(
I can’t even imagine giving away someone else’s books. It seems like such an odd target for de-cluttering, since it’s one person’s rather than a shared item and people often have strong attachments to them. Don’t they have some kitchen appliances they never use that they could throw out instead?
To quote GhostOfCourtneyStoddensBoobs...
I remember back in ancient times when Party of Five was on the air, and they did an episode where Neve Campbell’s character, who was graduating from high school, had a friend who killed herself. Everyone was horribly shocked and bewildered, not the least because the friend had just gotten early acceptance to Harvard.…
When I was an ugly, fat child with braces and glasses it never occurred to me that attractive or even average people could have problems. Here I was a virtual monster, how on earth could a pretty child be unhappy about anything? It took me until my late teens to figure out we all have issues, and that some pretty,…
One of the most important things is learning how to handle failure. For people who rarely experience it, it can be quite devastating. One of my cousins was considered the golden child and expected to do well. He failed in college because he never learned how to struggle. He sailed through school making him think it…
I love Christina. I love everything she has done (The Sweetest Thing is my favorite!). But her humor has more snark than Elle Woods. It’s what she’s good at. This would not have worked out.
resulted in the taking of this lion. That was never my intention.
Yup, he did it after killing a black bear illegally, too, and was convicted of straight up lying about where he killed the bear. The guy is a serial liar and murderer and outright garbage person and I hope he never has a moment’s peace for the rest of his miserable life.
“oh, i didn’t realize it was like, a CELEBRITY lion, i thought i was just, legally, murdering a NORMAL lion.