
Im not from California, but the penal code violation they reference is the same level as a "disorderly conduct" (same level of as a speeding citation). That, on top of the fact, that it was clear his intent was not to be a "peeping tom" as the law was created to prevent, probably nothing is going to be done.

Nah, bro. The article is supposed to make you think he is a criminal, and he did the absolute WORST thing ever seen on Twitch! And he’s a criminal now! Filming in a bathroom?! I mean, there is absolutely nothing wors- lol. I can't keep going, it's too dumb.

It looks like a re skinned pigeot or pigeoto to me. I feel like articuno would have a broader wingspan.

I’m not ashamed to say I loved it. They at least made an attempt make it like it’s Japanese predecessor and make Godzilla into a hero. Not the typical Monster =bad, human = good scenario.

nah, in America, stolen valor got repealed. Its still frowned upon to dress up as military personal, but as long as you’re not doing it with malicious intent (i.e. actually impersonating a soldier, giving commands to lower ranks than you’re perceived as, or dressing up as a cop and legitimately acting in official