I will just say you should be in advertising...or flameproof underwear.
I will just say you should be in advertising...or flameproof underwear.
Fundamentally sports SUV always have a problem with getting the rear glass down to the boot line. This, at least, looks better resolved than the competition and if they get some proper production rear doors into it could look the best of the bunch.
In defence of the designers I have been through 3 waves of 3D design tools and the first design is always “crude but effective” until techniques and technology improves.
You have him in the wrong seat. He has never driven a car in his life. The 45" TV would need only one channel...Fox News
You call that a long train journey? This is a l-o-o-o-n-g train journey...3days at 110km\h. And yes, I have watched about 6 hours of 18 hrs of the TV series.
Seems the MACS system was marketed as the “you wont believe how big your bonus will be!” system and the AOA sensor was marketed as the “You dont even need trained monkeys to fly this thing now” sensor.
Actually pretty lucky that Roo boy was just trying to scare him. If he had been serious... a kick from the feet, and the remote location, could have been life threatening.
One of the things in Avengers 3 that stuck with me was after the ‘snap’ half of Thanos’s crew would be wiped out as well and I thought...well that’s the way tribes work. Sacrifice for the greater good...loyalty to your leader
Remember seeing this as a 5 or 6 year old and it has haunted me ever since. Always thought it deserved current day CGI...those locusts done properly would be prime phobia material. Plenty of other great 60 & 70's sci-fi for them to look at as well...
Object sexuality or objectophilia is a form of sexuality focused on particular inanimate objects.
Scalpel work by Dr Pimple Popper.
If you look up ‘sugar slaves’...they didn’t have a choice. 30% death rate kept separate from society, mass graves. Only now is there a serious program to identify the massacres on non-whites across Australia. And dont get me started on the stolen generations...
New business opening in Mexico. “Holes-R-Us”
This is further evidence of the beauty of echo chambers. When all you & your friends listen to & watch is right wing media you lose perspective and eventually bang heads with the real world.
As a proud Aussie I can let you in on a secret. Paul Hogan was a con, just like everyone who puts on a mask to hide who they really are. Yes, we have a pretty good life, and compared to many societies we may seem fairly laid back & accepting, but that does not absolve white Australia from its race problem.
A masterclass in using negative space to reduce bulk and create optical movement. A contemporary Architect would be proud of this. Even the details on the wheels reduces the mass to a visual minimum. Aston Martin are IMHO the best in the world. Unfortunately the reality is in 10 years they will be probably trying to…
In Australia he would be called a knob jockey.
His technique is to lead with the shoulder as he knows helmet to helmet would risk himself long term. Thus the ‘whiff’ leaves him always protesting his innocence, when he is actually using his shoulder like a roundhouse right. Happens too often with him and someone needs to sort him out before he starts ending careers.
I always thought that she was made to in front of the camera and Clunk was made to be behind it and that was his problem.