
Brave boy. People dont realise how scary it is to do stand-up. His next routine will be all about how inspiring Captain Underpants is.

Chief. Of. Staff.

It comes down to dick size. You have a small dick, you need to find a job that proves your manhood. A big bank balance, a big truck, a big shiny badge... always hides a small dick.

Pence is prayingInvisibility Cloak for Christmas, Invisibility Cloak for Christmas...”

He cant flip a coin because he damaged his thumb playing his first & only game of marbles in pre-school and he unfortunately punched a wall (by accident) when he lost. He vowed from that day on he would never play a game he couldn’t cheat improve the odds of winning. 

I think the ‘Endgame’ is nigh.

Compare his signature to the note on his scribbles. The signature is a work of art because it is all about show. Must have been horrendous as a kid dealing with the put-downs of the smart kids and the disappointment of his parents.

Remember, wet hair is Trump Krypton. Wet hair means the worlds longest side mullet & chrome dome, so no-one has ever seen him with wet hair. Umbrella’s freak him out. Pray for the umbrella wave.

Stick on some wood panelling and you have the “Chariot”, especially with those wheels...

A supercar design should be about fast. McLaren design is all about function. They insist on a cab forward layout which to me looks like it is always about to flip over. Other marques manage to hide the air intakes whereas Mclaren make them a feature, almost like they are designing for engineers.

It’s not a alt-right symbol anymore...it is the size of Trumps mushroom.

As a proud Aussie it is really unfortunate how white Australia will not confront its racism, both casual & hidden. Australia is 25% non-white but you never tell from our media, political & business leadership. White Australia markets the “Crocodile Dundee” image to home & abroad to convince themselves that all those

Stormy needs to trademark YetiPubes. Word of the year...

To give an idea of how bad these statistics are. Where I come from (Western Australia)the state capital of Perth is a slightly smaller version of Houston and is linked via Oil & Gas industry and the car\freeway-centric urban layout.

It’s all going exactly to plan...

That’s a wallaby. Shorter and with thicker haunches than Kangaroo. Plus a Kangaroo would be trying to head butt all the cars...

“but he’s really just a guy who made an electric car that rich people like to drive

Designed by the the scalpelmeister again. The Schwarzenegger sports” car is alive... 

You have to admire Omarosa at least for playing so professionally. I am sure she has the “Omarosa: Public Victim #1" reality show ready to pitch...

The only way this gets better is if she confirms she is Q...