Definitive proof that love is blind.
Definitive proof that love is blind.
Consider how he writes like a 7 year old with a sharpie on his speech notes, but his signature is a work of art. The theatre of a signature is all slow & show but the grind of writing is quick & simplistic.
A lot of resources are being thrown at this and I can see why. There is a huge untapped market in Anime similar to comic books pre-Marvel. Ghost in the Shell failed because I think it went too much for stylistic similarity and not understanding the story. This looks far more promising and the stylised eyes, I think,…
Someone needs to crowdfund a giant hamster-ball for this dude...
New Rules of Life 101
Terry Crews is Robocop. He has made a career out of acting against type and I suspect he has a few examples of Michigan PD as character references. Plus he saves even the worst Director\Films from themselves, and Robocop needs to be saved...
I remember when this came out I collected every picture in all the car magazines and plastered it over my bedroom walls. This is from the ultra clean school of car design in Britain that produced the Range Rover & Lotus Esprit (William Towns designed a competitor 2 door called the Bulldog which was extremely similar).…
It was the psychopaths first viral experiment. Got bored with cars so started making things ‘magically’ disappear for illusionists. Then went into womens fashion design and created the black\blue, white\gold dress. His mantra was “if you can’t trust your own eyes, who can you trust?”
Does the raccoon want to climb it?
Here is a new concept. Do something more than talk & video & write & tweet.
Wait, they forgot the hood scoops, the air-wing, LED headlight eyebrows and a chromed grill. Don’t these guys know anything about good design?
Wasn’t there a Director who loves to abuse actresses? Hmmmm... that’s right, Tarantino! Makes sense, he now has an actor who can abuse the starlet and who doesn’t need to imagine strangulation.
This is psychological warfare 101. What is the worst fear for most parents? Losing their kids. Pretty good deterrent if you are considering trying to get across the border.
Continuing the Japanese styling school obsession with designing crumple zones on the exterior of the body.
OK basic info, hardtop, 70's by wheel arches & grille, C pillar eliminates Ford & Dodge. Leaving.... 65 Chevy Impala (which as soon as I saw boot & C pillar was my guess but attached overlay is a pretty close close match given un-certainty over perspective ratio. Check out the cabin to length ratio, lights, guards,…
Sinkhole => Shithole
Yes, If I remember correctly, it has the most makers & models in the developed world. The reason? Primarily it is a great test market for new entries into car making such as Japan, Korea, India, Malaysia & now China. You can work out what sells in the west and how to run national dealer networks without spending a…
I think he has\had a problem reading & writing, which explains why he is such as a visual guy, doesn’t read, and has the attention span of a 5 year old. Consider
Having worked on a few stadium designs before this is fairly easy to work out what the floor level seating would have added, as each block of seating generally has the same rows & columns for ticketing and they are mirrored on each side. By my count you have 8680 seats (allowing for ring entry carpet.) This only took…