The Cricket Nerd

Myers did say that the Austin Powers movies (or at least the first) were a tribute to his dad's love of In Like Flint and the like.

Recognized Carter right away! Of course it would be him.

At JFL in Toronto a couple of months ago, Jon Dore came out to open for Pete Holmes after the announcer had gone "DAVE CHAPPELLE!"

Barely legal. Just barely.

Late night hosts have no time to shoot movies, unfortunately.

Charles Manson, babe.

The episode title must have got all the dads and grads tuning in. Do we still say "tuning in"?

When I saw Lord Lloyd Webby (speaking of which, Fourvel sighting!), I thought there might be a Gilly (sorry) cameo. Couchy was terrific though.

Seems like the name joke was so obvious that people missed it!

IT'S BEEN a while, yeah.

LOL. That's most definitely untrue, especially for a show that uses wigs to cover full-haired people.