
Tell that to my scarred psyche.

I wasn’t nearly as picky about absolutely zero red left in my red meat until I got nearly a week’s worth of food poisoning from an undercooked burger, on a business trip nearly 20 years ago. I’ll take it medium-well please, and IDGAF if anyone thinks that’s too cooked, because it tastes great and even looking at pink

No, Hex teaches her earlier in the episode! Though her Hollywood time probably taught her the basic concept of point and pull the trigger.

This show is amazing. I want to point out that this is an episode where a bad-ass, Themyscira-trained Helen of Troy killed a shitload of bad guys with the standard sword and jumping around, and then picked up a gun and casually mowed down a shitload more, and it barely rated a mention in the recap.

Hey, I tried. I normally get one every year. This year, two pharmacies and my doctor (visited over a 6 week spread) were all out. I don’t get why, because when you google nothing lists any official shortages, but it wasn’t even a “we’ll have more by next week” situation. By the second attempt, I was actively resenting

Exactly. Hands of Respect puts blood on a comic, and it sells for $500. I put blood on a comic and the shop calls the cops! How is that fair!

This whole thing is weird, right? It’s not just me?

Please. Please. PLEEEEEEEASE!!! I love this book.

As long as you’re not darkening your skin, and keep to the general gist of how that person actually looks instead of playing to stereotypes (unless that person dresses like a stereotype in real life), than sure. It’s definitely something that can be a minefield if you’re not really careful, though.

While the Obama plot was slight and disposed of relatively quickly, I did appreciate the scenes of our heroes repeatedly going to him for advice and then wiping his memory.

Or spoy?

People always say things like this, but Disney owned companies already make plenty of material for older audiences with zero issues from the studio. Nothing was going to show up on a Deadpool cartoon that’s less appropriate than what Freeform shows every day. Or ABC shows like Scandal or Mistresses, for that matter.

Well, that was your reaction to It, but not the general audience reaction to It.

I moved to Rhode Island two years ago, and am currently doing eight weeks of prescription Vitamin D supplements because a recent checkup and bloodwork showed that I’m actually deficient. Between that and my utter lack at 41 of visible aging of my extremely oily and sensitive skin, I feel completely okay about my lack

The good news is you’re correct about not aging. I have extraordinarily oily skin that has meant that, at 41, I’m quite pleased to only have 8-10 visible pimples at any given time on average. (This is honestly the best my skin’s looked without multiple daily applications of Class X drugs since I was 11.) But I have NO

I’m a-okay with this one. Spice World is a classic.

I had a lot of complaints about TLJ, but this one always makes me laugh. Every Star Wars movie (except maybe Rogue One) is chock full of slapstick! That might be why Rogue One is my favorite, actually...

And my bone. I thought my bones were pretty permanent aside from maybe some compression in the spine, but I guess not.

That’s okay; the plot of Legion was never the problem - it was a straightforward A to B to C the whole way, and at one point was literally spelled out on a chalkboard for us. The trippy visuals and what was a hallucination and weird mood whiplashes are the parts that really needed the recapping. 

Matt Bomer for Mister Miracle