
The dub-con implication was there, definitely. That's the kind of thing that needs to be shown instead of being said.They would probably show how and why it happened during the third season.

As you can see, I didn't realize it was a joke. Reading your words instead of watching you saying those words can be tricky. ;)

The idea that Rachel slept with the President is beyond ridiculous. She worked at the D.O.D. (where all the Patriots aka Randall and the President worked) and she was the leader of their project. Of course the President would know the woman who was building the weapon they would use to cause the blackout.

Yes, she was his prisoner, but he didn't rape her. He said nobody forced her. The actors who portrayed Monroe and Rachel said they always played their characters as being attracted to each other since the beginning of the show. I don't think Rachel would say "thanks" to someone who raped her. Also don't think the