
Much appreciated. ;)

100% true. We thought it was weird too, but weirder has happened.

I don't.

Lol replying a year after I wrote this? Seems pretty important to you that i stop "lying to myself"…I did it for fun, and to see if i could do it, and to spend time with a good friend i otherwise didn't see very often. I didn't know we were going to get paid (at first), i didn't know we were going to get free phones.

I responded above to David, so longer response there, but in short, yes it requires patience and it requires dedication to the art. Both painter and model need to be working together for the same goal. The posing itself requires both physical stamina and the ability to understand how to pose the particular piece that

The Brooklyn Bridge was about 3-4 hours and I held the pose the whole time. Uncomfortable but so worth it.

Actually it's because bodypaint on clothes doesn't look right and breaks up the pattern. A bra top actually sexualizes it more because it draws more attention to the chest due to the break in color/texture. The less clothes, the less a good bodypaint will be sexualized because it will be one flowing piece of art.

Yay! I love this series, love my city, and love Trina! I got to be both bridges, and it was awesome. Excited to see my favorite form of art being given the credit it deserves. :)

And yet I (along with many other artists and models) still get banned from Facebook over and over for bodypaint photos... :P makes total sense.

I actually waited in the iPhone line the last couple years, the first time for 18 days. Not for the phone, but because I wanted to go "camping" with a friend...on 5th avenue. Was it crazy? Maybe. Would I do it again? Yes. I did do it again, though for "only" 8 days. I'd do it whether I was getting the phone or not (I

I wholeheartedly agree with (and often speak out about) the fact that the "shoulds" need to just stop. It's insane how when I tell people not to comment on other people's bodies how they defend themselves by saying "Well, being fat isn't healthy." First, their idea of fat is way different than the medical definition