
I too enjoy not furthering my stories by telling people that my friend was eating something my religion disagrees with.

Let’s not go that far — the PS1 Classic feeling like a cynical, rushed attempt to cash in on the NES/SNES Classic’s success doesn’t cancel out Sony’s incredible stable of critically acclaimed and commercially successful first-party games, which has been its biggest advantage all generation.

I usually despise the Retro Pi crowd, because they ultimately miss all the reasons anyone might want something like this.

But on this occasion, you do you.

Yeah, but then you would be one of those weirdo’s that talks to all their friends about emulators.

If they want to boost sales they should probably try putting some software on it that’s not a port. I know Smash is coming but that’s still one game.

What the Switch does need to be incredible, though, are games. I love my Switch, but god the current game selection is just abysmal.

“helping a company you believe in” and “performing free work for a company because they need more sales staff but don’t want to hire them” are very different.

Ferrari can fucking pay me. Also, IDGAF about Ferraris. I’ll at least take a call from Daihatsu.

Sixty bucks though, lol. Seriously what the fuck?

If it’s the best of 7, you won’t have won the series at 3-2. It’s the first to 4. If they were up 3-2 and this game made it 4-2, it was the deciding game...

Aw Man, I was hoping for “Cleanse yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka” but this will do

You all have apparently missed another contender for “worst cover ever” which comes in the form of Rob & Kirk’s “doodle” from earlier this year featuring “Dancing Queen.” Feast your ears.

“When Doves Cry” doesn’t even have bass in it (which is actually kind of insane for such a huge pop song).

Now playing

Cleanse your palate y’all. That was painful.

Had an interesting discussion with a friends dad the other day. He grew up with 4bbl carbs, caps, rotors, and an engine you could actually see on his pick up trucks. Opened the hood on his new truck and cant see a valve cover, much less anything of importance. His comment was “Back in my day you could rebuild a Ford

I laughed at that as if it were completely unexpected.

It was a more innocent time; people were stupider then.

I am still a bit lost on the notion that "Rock Around the Clock" was the 1950s version of "Killing in the Name"