Eh, when it comes to museums I’m more okay with the cars sitting around. Some cars should be preserved for history. What I’m not okay with are collectors who hoard cars, never drive them, and never let anybody see them. Now that’s truly a waste.
Thanks so much for posting this, it was fascinating!
Plan for today
1.Steal Pole
2. Scrap Pole
3. Give money to nice lady shiny pole
Bangle is a shockingly underrated designer with surprisingly few misses to his name, and to be honest, he’s right. With only a few exceptions, car design has gotten super stale and boring. Not everything he did was good, but it was all original.
Minivan owners.
Hey, you! You in that white BMW E60 M5 with the single greatest vanity license plate ever. We see you. And we love…
It’s a helluva show when that mint condition Chevelle is the “average” car.
I know. Im really upset my parents weren’t more wealthy
I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing in life after seeing the kind of money these people have.
BMW broke all our hearts a little bit in 2014 when it said that the sports car market was dying. But with the whole…
Punch above your weight class today.
60g is porsche money. There’s no way in hell I’d fuck around with a Honda for that cash. At the end of the day, it’s still a Honda.
Turn that frown upside down! The week is almost over, and soon you’ll be out on the roads driving like a champion!
Those window intakes are rad af
“90% of all British Leyland cars are on the road today. The other 10% made it home.”
It’s kind of a shame about the diesel engines. The technology has the capability to be perfectly clean. I think the bad rap comes from a lot of the high-sulfur petroleum-based diesel fuel used around the world.