It will ruin it please don’t!! I don’t run any front plates and haven’t run afoul of the law where it’s “required”
Ha! A few years ago I actually composed a piece around Le Mans of the era and not sure if the sample I used is Stirling Moss or Hawthorn. Love that time period of motorsports.
Scrap yards are clamping down-- not having a title complicates things-- parting makes sense as long as you have a way to get rid of what is left over.
yikes— I’m torn on this one... having “rescued” numerous cars through the years even for $500 there’s a lot wrong here- I don’t think these are appreciating like some of the other roadsters of the same era; for just a few more dollars you could probably find run that runs . Parts car.... CP!
Owned a 75 basketcase and 76 that was not a basketcase... scary fun! Sold them to buy my 330cic. Pros- both drove like they were on rails... Cons-- EVERYTHING is bigger and scarier and only 2 seats.
This guys reminds me of the Johnny Depp Charlie and the Chocolate factory Oompa Loompa.
I cannot believe how these have dropped in value— got to drive one of these for a week a couple of years ago- local BMW was literally loaning them for people to try- nice ride and the acceleration was insane. I get the purpose of these and unfortunately my commute is too long to make this a viable option.
That seat twist though.... come on for the money the seller should have refreshed the seats-- yes that is my friday focus on this -- the damn seats.
I just sold a triumph gt6... honestly like my bmw peeps better than the TR turds. Old farts with rods up their ass that think every nut and bolt has to be in place and judge you when you roll up and you aren’t wearing your newsies cap and your window crank falls off when you open the door.... I may not use turn…
That looks like a whale placenta.
I’m down with true rat rods.... this is dumb.
I feel like no one got your reference.... Alex Roy folks... the baddest m5 owner ever
Fantastic.... right there is a reason I will return. It’s difficult at best sourcing BMW parts without going to the dealer and then waiting on shipping puts a huge delay in the repair/project. Thanks for the reply.
I live not far from Wadsworth OH where they have a huge warehouse and distribution center— I’ve ordered from them in the past and their shipping time is miserable- it would be so much more efficient if I could drive up there and pick the shit up. Paying high shipping cost for a radiator is stupid when it’s so close. …
Holy shit that is wonderfully hot.... had to take a break from work and go rub one out.
These are dumb.... CP
I’ve driven the ct200h and man I hate to say it but I feel like the reg prius was more lively. Too much insulating material??.... regardless both accelerated at the rate of a slug on a salt path.