The series was known as an Optiplex for the majority. He is actually likely correct.
The series was known as an Optiplex for the majority. He is actually likely correct.
OOhh, huh, drive bender. COOL :)
Tonymac! Holy crap, it is cause of you I have a hackintosh! :)
Gotcha. I agree with the blah blah etc actually. (Not saying your reply is that, just agreeing with your reply's context of stats etc)
The case is your choice. This is not a product they are selling (meaning this is yours to do).
Personally, I say stay away from one. I got it as a gift, and it is now what turns my TV on & off, and controls basic functionality on my Roku and controls the volume.
Gotcha, and some of the airplay functions don't feel fully thought out. Going aTV and iPad, Hulu Plus needs to be open to work.
You can mirror via airplay with appletv and an iPad OOB, not all apps work, but jailbreaking isn't always the best solution.
I think plex server does this OOB. So far, I have issues with XBox on certain MKV or AVI files, but mostly it works.
I loved an HTPC, but mine was slow, underpowered and underwhelming. The Pentium D system was hot and had to have the case off to not generate allot of heat, but got dusty, became an illogical circle.
No, but allot of apps exist for GoogleTV that MIGHT help. Are there any iTunes home media streamers? Does it support Video? Wonder if it'll work with Hulu Plus app from iPhone/iPad/iPod to Google TV... That would be sweet.
sexy app!
USB to VGA Dongles. They aren't high performance but extend the desktop. In OS X, mine craps out pretty well constantly, and it is supposed to be "Turbo".
Crucial currently has on newegg and amazon an SSD @ 128gb for approx $125.
Fax machines are protected by FCC regulations. NOT that that means much, but legal recourse.
1.) Energy efficient bulbs in my experience are not as hot.
Look on eBay for a 1 or 2 year old behind model that works with no apple care on it.
1.) a new iMac, then to repurpose my Hackintosh for an OSX Server.
If the Second renaissance (animatrix) taught us anything is that machines will start looking like us, and use us as batteries.
My wife has one slot and refuses to upgrade to a SSD (Too small) so I am thinking of forcing one on her in her next upgrade.