
I bought a car that was cheap by standards of what we paid for out CUV (compact utility).

Buck o'five? is that 105% analogy, or is a dollar and five cents some sort of metaphor for best defense is good offense?

I agree that Muslim attacks might be of concern in that there are factions of said faith that have extremists that might bomb us. That said, when clinics were being bombed, christians caught ire. It is just any faith brought to the point of illogic zeal, or any sort of ferver that brings about death is a faith that

Marionette North Korea is Best Marionette Korea!

Mono price has shielded (or heavily insulated?) HDMI cables good for the purposes of just such thing. I am personally not a fan of installing long cabling, but I doubt a wireless solution (which I am guessing exists) is more cost effective.

SPOILER!!!!!!!! :P

Have you seen HTC Sense on the Flyer? It is really well done

I enjoyed my Palm BEFORE the update (that started to make the phone bloat/crash).

Started (Re) watching BSG on Netflix, and I was at the episode of Pres. Roslin looking at the dead relics of Cobol, and all I could think of was the Great Hall there.

Hehehe, Nemmo, like nemo, like just keep swimming.. WHat?

Freakanomics on Netflix tyvm

It just warms the cockles of my heart

I want to share this with the +1 thing. Dunno why, but I wanna.

I don't fly, but then again, I don't travel soooo

As are we all

That feature is found in Amazon Cloud or Google Music Beta (Got my self signed up, now anti limatically shrugging and still only using Amazon Cloud Music Player thing beta (C))

have you ever heard of Apt (repo)? been around longer that their app store.

one time ONLY? shut the front door, seriously? Lame! (chucks ipod touch out window)

I still use it. Namely Google Music Beta or Amazon Cloud Player (deafening me currently with the latter). Also, I use my wifes HTC Flyer (she is in love with Android) and it has a one up, while not a HUGE deal, you can actually browse things decently well on the 7 inch screen.

I agree with the 360 sentiment. I stopped handing info over to SOE or any sony corp once NGE was released.