
Don't be obtuse.

What's even more horrible is people who try to control language, especially when they make up arbitrary rules as they go along and have no concept of context.

I wish they were straw men so I could set them on fire.

No. I didn't.

Dear language police,
Fuck right off.
Sane people

owned? you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means.

that horse got lucky. alligator could have easily broken its ankle if it had gotten a better grip.

in step with 'the times' is the last thing id ever want maher to be. hopefully, he keeps on being the independent thinker he is and continues to tell people like this author and the groupthink nonsense he and 'progressives' (more like regressives now) espouse to f right off, as will i. your ilk played the largest role

"Not that the debate isn’t worth having…"

also, this is the most idiotic statement ive ever seen: "It would just be nice if the size distribution of women's shapes in video games more closely matched the real world's prevalence."
how many video games are made with 'real world' types of women in them? maybe you should go tell athletic teams they should

go make a pie chart about it.

you dont need a fucking metric to know that there are tons of really attractive women all around you all the time. you need eyeballs.

who gives a shit about statistics? im telling you i see them all the time because i do. theyre real women. they exist, and theres a lot of them. what percentage? who cares?

i live in new york city. there are women with these body shapes everywhere.

does no one else have optimum?