As the release date of Pokemon X and Y approaches, this will be the first game in the official series with a (for…
It's thanks to YOU, Sir, that people couldn't log into the game.
Wouldn't mind a follow up Undead Nightmare/Organ Trail piece.
Star this so the spoiler doesn't make it to the top.
I have absolutely no problem with gay people. But wow, the Pride Parade sure does seem to attract an odd bunch of people.
Again, I say who gives a shit! More important things are going down and need immediate media attention!!
MGS4 Act 3. In the Eastern Europe stage, Snake gets a short trenchcoat (is there a better word for that?), and he keeps his hands in his pockets unless you run.
Less than 1% of people getting PS3's bricked by a system update a few years ago was enough to get coverage on gaming sites and proclaiming it awful. It was due to people being stupid and is such a small number as to be worthless talking about.