
I like my WiiU and PS4. Both are well functioning pieces of gaming hardware. Neither have many games for me yet but those are coming still. I use my WiiU as my default Hulu and Netflix player as the pad is great for controlling them. Been playing a lot of FIFA on my PS4 and have been loving it.

No consumer electronics product is going to be released with a 0% defective rate. The industry average is 2.4% defective, please everyone calm down both the PS4 and I bet the Xbox-1 are well below this rate. It happens, they both will replace systems that are broken from their launch issues for free. NO BIG DEAL!

NHL 2K was better for a time but EA's NHL surpassed it with NHL 11. FIFA is an amazing soccer game though that has surpassed Winning Eleven to me.

Well I bought a PS4 for the fact that MLB 14 The Show will be coming out for it in the spring. I don't expect a price drop by that point so I figured might as well get it now. I have been enjoying FIFA quite a lot the last couple of days on it.

Probably the first killer title of this generation.

But the firearm homicide rate fell by 59 percent, and the firearm suicide rate fell by 65 percent, crime rose, but homicides and suicides fell without a significant rise of non-firearm related homicides or suicides.

We all know what it's like to connect something to Facebook, right? Before you dare say yes, you should read the fine print and find out how deep into your personal Facebook info the PS4 wants to go. So read this!

I got 2 RRODs and 2 YLODs during my years, Microsoft fixed both the red rings for free (although the replaced the console the second time and sent me one with the disk drive issue (where it destroys discs) and had to send that back for another replacement). Sony charged me 100 the first time I YLOD, 2nd time I just

One day I will get to Japan.

So this is how Idiocracy comes about

Waiting for someone to get to the bottom of Sony UKs new TOS barring resale of PS3, Vita, and PS4 games without Sony approval . . .

In store is all games, online it is select.

Yea heh, I feel the price is silly as well, and games won't be available for another 2 weeks probably. (PS4 games have started shipping already even though the system doesn't come out till next Friday). Microsoft usually bans when there was a rush of illegal copies of a game, a mis sent single system probably wouldn't

Should still be able to connect to the servers the same as a review unit.

It's just a high BuyItNow price so folks have to bid it up and they don't undervalue the item. Although the starting price of $999.95 is still too high to start, start it at like $600 and then let it bid itself up if it does.

Reviewers and media have early consoles already, and the online service is already online for those consoles.

The whole idea of the comment system is that you can flag rude comments like this and then it will lead to account suspensions of rude posters and clean up the comments. Of course if no one flags rude comments that isn't going to happen.

I have a LG that has lasted about 5 years now and a Dell that is 7 years old

I'm planning to eventually by a bigger hdd, but I'm going to wait till I max out the included one which shouldn't be too quickly with the limited titles announced for the first year that I am interested in.

The moment MLB 14 was confirmed to be in the works for PS4, I was sold on buying a PS4.