
Only games for Nintendo consoles come out on Sunday's for the most part. Almost every game comes out on a Tuesday aside from the very rare Friday high profile release (Last of Us) or Nintendo's Sunday releases and it can be a little confusing for retailers because of this.

I loved the N64 F-Zero. One of my favorite racing games of all time. The GC one was just too hard for me though. First thing I thought when I saw the Mario kart 8 trailer was "This reminds me of F-Zero", and that alone has me excited for the game.

You can play Steam games without the internet unless it's an online game.

Years and Years I think. Have a ton of RPGs I've barely ever played since i've been trying to collect as many of them as possible and with most RPGs taking 50-80 hours a piece, and having baout 25 I haven't played. That's good for quite a while. Plus all of the PS+ games I've gotten since the service started that I've

That's why the notice is there, and if someone is caught selling/donating them you can be sure that retailer won't ever receive anymore paperback books again, and probably a law suit as well.

This is done in a lot of entertainment industries. Usually an item is refunded by the publisher when it isn't sold to fund the purchase of the next batch of items from the publisher. To avoid paying shipping charges these items are then destroyed and the publisher provides the refund. If they were given away no refund

yea for sure, I've always picked cases based upon how much room they have for the components I want, looks have never played a role in that.

For me the game reselling/used isn't as big a deal as being able to loan and borrow games with my friends. I'm well off at the moment and can afford the games I want, but I do have friends who can't and I like to be able to share great games with them.

Just pick up some used ones in a year or two when they are selling for $20 a piece.

You should have an exclusives list, not just a list of multi-platform games. Well aside from Gears and Halo Reach, every game here can be found on PC or PS3.


You know what would work really well, if it could be done. A mouse for your right hand and the PS3 Move Navigation controller for your left hand :P

FF6 probably has the highest body count, although most of the carnage occurs off screen when Kefka destroys the world :P

Quite true, could easily call it something else and say it was inspired by the Mother/Earthbound series to avoid any troubles.

(Commented on wrong thread :P )

Now I have to make good on my promise to buy 10 copies of it on VC to gift to friends that I made when Nintendo first unveiled the Virtual Console. My wallet is going to hate me.

There are two reasons. #1. yes money issues, as well as quality issues with it being released in so many different countries at once. #2. To be released in all those countries at once it needs to be translated into many more languages than a Japanese release or American release.

So the next XBox system won't be able to play any games 10-15 years down the road when the nostalgia bug hits because there won't be any online support for it anymore? I still hook up my old systems to play games and a system that doesn't have that option in the future kind of bums me out big time.