
I'm pretty sure this was if you spent $40 in the Playstation Store in the month of January (Maybe it was December?). I remember getting a message from them saying if you spent $40 you would get $10 back a while ago.



That's one of the things I like about Target, if you buy something and the price gets lowered withing 14 days of your purchase they will refund the difference.

All consoles? Yea I'll get the Ouya or Wii version then, I'm sure those will be the best :p

I've been happy with my Vita. MLB The Show was the launch title that sold me on it, and it's amazing, especially it's interaction with the PS3 game. And then Persona 4: The Golden was system seller number 2 for me. I've been very happy.

I have all the systems, for me there aren't really many 360 exclusives that spark my interest, Forza 4 was the last one, and Lost Odyssey before. I mostly play games offline, preferring jrpgs and platformers. I don't think I've played a game on my 360 in about 6 months. I've had Playstation+ since it started and to me

(wrong section)

I hope this is good, GRID is still my favorite racing game ever made. So much variety, the computer AI characters you raced against were awesome as well. And was a perfect mix of arcade and simulation.

But what kind of guns do they have? I bet the majority are shotguns/rifles for scaring off critters with, maybe some pistols/handguns for home defense, I doubt they have many automatic weapons though.

Ahh so that did come out? I knew they had talked about a psp port didn't realize it was released. Is there an Ipad port as well?

III has sadly never come out for a home console in the US/Europe yet (only availalable for DS) , although the Ouya release of it will change that.

Now it's not a game but, Animaniacs Vol. 4 finally comes out in the US on Tuesday as well!!!

A new edition VITA :P

Well I bet some folks do share the info, all that's needed is one employee from one developer. And the developers need the specs and dev kits to design the games so . . .

They don't have to announce any specs, just formally announce it is coming. I bet Microsoft has all the Sony specs and Sony has all the Microsoft specs already from 3rd party developers.

I remember a lot of PS2 JRPGS still coming over after the PS3 was released at least. And that is my favorite genre.

Klonoa is a cat-rabbit . . . cabbit . . .

I've played them all at some point and beaten most of them. I personally hate X with a vengeance :P. Just really didn't like the story or characters much, and VI is still one of my favorite games of all time (along with Earthbound and Persona 4). VIII is my nemesis, have lost 3 save files while trying to finish it.

I've learned to order everything off of Amazon, have Prime so shipments get to me within a day or two.