
When a game franchise has such high consistent sales as Pokemon, small little changes is all we will get for fear of losing its current customer base. If a release flopped, then maybe a game with a lot of changes might occur.

Because they received more overnight?

It's a Pepsi logo and the Cobra logo from G.I.Joe which he and the WWE obviously do not own the rights to.

I personally won't switch till at least Service Pack 1, I don't trust the security of a new operating system, and have never upgraded Windows till after the first service pack release.

They keep the psone game bubbles there so you can transfer them to a psp or vita if you wish.

Ahh the store I worked at always told us the worst that could happen is being denied future shipments of the games. Must of been how our contract was worded, and other places have different contracts.

Yes it is

I want this game so badly!

There's nothing illegal about a game store breaking a street date. There aren't any fines either, the only possible punishment is the publisher refusing to sell the game store any more items.

The work place isn't really the proper place to make racist or bigoted jokes though. The work place is for working, folks making those jokes when hanging out after work or at home or what not is no big deal.

I definitely have the same issue. Recently I made a list of all my games and when I've had free time I've been using a random number generator on my list and making myself play whatever comes up for at least 30 minutes so I at least try a lot of the games I haven't yet. Although one of my biggest problems is I play my

Microsoft should really do a quickie port of one of the japanese mlb games for there system next year :P

Finally official! Prolly be a couple years before it comes out, but I can't wait.

Finally official! Prolly be a couple years before it comes out, but I can't wait.

What a pleasent surprise. GRID is one of my favorite racing games of all time, so much innovation was present.

Isn't Activision more hated than Zynga?

Galactic Civilizations II

So how does TeeFury avoid copyright infringement?

of course I do have my PC for steam gaming as well :p

Well currently I have a PS3, X-Box 360, Wii, PS2, and X-Box connected to my tv. Also have a Mac media server connected. Plan on replacing the X-Box with the Ouya next year (the X-Box's main purpose is old school emulation.) Also always have my 3DS and Vita charging nearby.