RIP Mabry

How are you gonna be looking up cheat codes on GameFAQS without a second monitor though?

How are you gonna be looking up cheat codes on GameFAQS without a second monitor though?

Duet Display which lets me have a second screen on my MB just by plugging in an iOS device.

I can agree with that, he directs the crap out of the movies I’ve seen of his, they just seem flashier than whats actually there, the real problem I have is the people who argue that he’s making these deep artistic films when he’s really just making competent blockbusters

Can confirm. My name is Athena. My parents instilled daily affirmations of my greatness. Am now insufferable.

As others have said, in most places just not doing the lawn care isn’t really an option.
Mrs Jhamin and I have spent a ton of time and a moderate amount of money converting the lawn to a native prairie. It takes a ton of care during the transition but then you can more or less ignore it.
From researching the issue, it

Every girlfriend that dumped me had no problem in doing so.

“Further, this “kindness” is borne out of a narcissistic desire to continue getting love without giving it back.”

There is a big difference in Anhydrous Caffeine and Caffeine Citrate in the way it affects your body. IF you want to take a pill/powder form. I recommend looking into the citrate form if you wish to do this, and as people have said be cautious in the amount you take as it is a stimulant.. The effects people speak of

Just the tip?

Instead of a couple of days in Vegas, you can stay home for the weekend with a few bottles of Bacardi 151, Craigslist “casual encounters” open on your browser, and burn a bunch of money in the fireplace.

To be more brief:

IME, being an American is hardly exotic or even desirable to most Europeans. I couldn’t order coffee without someone informing me that my country sucks.

hyper-positivity is a HUGE red flag to me. The world is a balance of light/dark, good/bad, etc - if you can’t handle that balance, something’s wrong!

Watch how they treat wait staff, ticket takers etc. If they are genuinely kind to them, they are probably a genuinely kind person all around. The opposite is also likely true.

Presence, being present. I know it is hard for everyone to be present, especially during a date, but I need it.

How they relate to people in our vicinity. If someone says something rude or mocks someone at a nearby table or that we see while walking - it makes me really worry about any future with them. I once went on a date with a girl who was doing, what I could only assume she thought was witty commentary on the people