RIP Mabry

I've got a early 2011 Macbook Pro, runs great!

thanks for this! Have been looking for something like this on OS X

Someone could have said this already but is it really that outrageous of a concept to be able to choose the gender of your hero/Link when first starting?

I learned that overworking yourself early on to try and be impressive is truly only going to screw you in the long run. For me, there needs to be a very clear line between work and your personal life.

I didn't read the other comments and kept scrolling back up to the top and looking and didn't notice anything so I'm thinking "ok, this is the internet, there has to be something." and immediately forced the imagery of an asshole and then scrolled back down and was glad no one said that because it was a stretch....

Great, thanks for explaining!

Thanks for your help!!

what if I want to block everyone excluding my own laptop and cellphone? how would i go about doing this?

why does this make me smile and yet somehwo also feel uncomfortable?

I recently broke both elbows in a really dumb bicycle accident (that could have totally been prevented) and after ER, multiple x-rays, full-body scan (don't remember what it was actually called), and a couple of return visits and castings, I owed somewhere around $9k. This was my first time dealing with anything like

damn, i've been doing this wrong my whole life... i always kneel down in front of the dog and stay at arms length with hand out, palm down. someone told me this at a dog show when I was a little kid and I always thought it was was proper way (after asking permission to pet the dog from the owner!)

Man, you know what, this is something I was just trying to explain to someone last night. I feel ya.

Over the last 2 years, I started going to a lot of art shows. Not sure how to classify them other than most are "themed" shows. I'm not so sure I'm a fan of themes. I also create art (digital and physical) as well as music, but I'm finding it difficult to imagine myself or my art fitting in with virtually any of the

I don't get offended, especially by the every day people you see out like co-workers, people that come into my work, people's parents, etc. but I'm starting to get irritated with my friends because this is the third or fourth year I've openly not celebrated Christmas at all and have in some way told my friends this,

Yeah! You guys read my email/had an article with the same idea in the works! Planning on seeing a movie and chinese food and then hitting up a local pub. There's one place that never closes (I don't think) that I'll go to.

Not that it's any different than recording my normal location but seeing that it tracked everything I did when I went on a vacation to AZ from TX was really weird to see.

move out as fast as you can. AOL teen chat before I was a teen — OUTRAGEOUS! Oh man...

Anything under $70? I just had no idea this kind of keyboard was this expensive, good lord.

Too me, it's more about how people are using the two.