the kids really enjoy and appreciate participating in the decision process
the kids really enjoy and appreciate participating in the decision process
Jesus that link makes me sad. How has Nintendogs and BrainAge outsold Metroid?
I can’t say I liked one method better than another. The biggest thing that bothered me about launch D3 wasn’t necessarily the quantity of legendaries, it was the RNGness of the quality of them. The value ranges on legendaries were so big you were extremely likely to get a pure trash legendary weapon that wasn’t even…
They are also the messiest since they roll everywhere after falling off the kids utensil. You’d have to take the area of devastation (that a lot of parents won’t bother to try to clean up / llimit before leaving) and expand it another 50-100% if loose peas were on the menu.
I would have nothing left to eat. My kid is the opposite of the standard stereotype when it comes to eating. We were ordering plates from the adult menu (unless he really wanted a kid’s menu item) when he was 4. Thankfully, he’s also got a metabolism that keeps up with his voracious appetite so I don’t have to…
I was just like that in college. As I’ve aged, it has had a more pronounced effect on me. Anymore, having caffeine after 2 or 3pm means I will have a more difficult time falling asleep.
This. You can also book FastPasses with it and basically skip every line. It’s been ~18 months since I last went, but out of 3 days, we waited in a regular line once - my son desperately wanted to ride the Toy Story shooter ride (I forget the name, in Hollywood Studios) even though we couldn’t get another FastPass…
This started in Louisville, a metro area of around a million people. While it ended in the countryside of Indiana, I’d hardly call Louisville “rural”.
It’s short for “Uber Alles” which is German for “Above All”.
The ship on the right is missing its front lasers!
Classic Space is best, but I find Blacktron an acceptable substitute with its black and yellow theme. M-Tron was gimmicky with the magnets but had a good color palette. I’m guessing most people find nostalgia to be best though - whatever they played with as kids is their preferred sets.
My own data suggests that Overwatch players also like breathing air and aren’t big fans of being on fire.
What kind of little animals are you growing that won’t eat pizza? I don’t think I’ve ever, ever seen a child that refuses pizza. Hell, I have 2 nephews practically living off of that and mac and cheese since they refuse to eat much else.
Seriously. Why can’t they just decide on a common position for them for all steeragecoach seats so that I don’t have to hunt around for it.
I really wish they would modify that upper rake along the side. I think the indention under it is too deep or something - it just looks off. I don’t like it in some of the press photos even and those are usually as flattering as it can get.
That’s a drafters kit. Depending on the size of the company, that work isn’t done much by engineers anymore. And it isn’t done by anybody with those tools - it’s all CAD these days. Sketching in the field in a notebook, then CAD in the office.
I’m still trying to figure out what all of the paracord is for. Maybe he just likes the look.
He better store them carefully - plastic calipers are garbage and will easily get dinged / damaged. He’s carrying a full size adjustable wrench, just spring for the metal calipers already.
Clothes vs detergent first doesn’t matter much. Normal recommendation from manufacturers is to put detergent first, but only because it will be diluted and mixed faster in the wash water of most machines if it is lower in the load. You may get a little less wash time with full mixing of the detergent, but won’t make…