
Some bullshit in these comments. Any of you commenting on the “grown-up” looks or parenting (or lack thereof) of this girl need to shut the fuck up right now.

Considering the ram shackle places that usually fly that flag they should just get an old double-wide trailer for their new wing and save 3.85 million.

I wouldn't even wipe my ass with it.

“Whooping cough ain’t fun”

Let’s all make a promise that when/if we become famous, we will all be Kevin Smith Famous.

I would legit be overjoyed to receive fancy salt for Christmas.

Easiest Christmas presents the last few years? My kiddos made salts as gifts for our family who cooks. Last year it was jalapeno, mushroom and dill; the year before was citrus, sage/poultry and lavender.

No her crime was not knowing her place and being uppity, let’s be honest. Otherwise known as disrespecting a police officer while being black.

Nope. Kids, just like adults, need to be taught that there is a time and place for phone use. We shouldn’t ban phones completely. In fact,they are a great resource in a classroom. As a teacher, I have my students use them all the time. It’s about teaching them when it’s appropriate to use them as resources and when

Militarize our schools, but it’s not just that. This is the end result of the theory that the way to solve so many of our problems is just to ‘get tougher’ on them. Kids acting up in school? Bring in the cops to violently arrest them. People like to hear that these policies are being enacted because it makes them feel

You know what Sam? Fuck you. You know goddamn well that you would not be such an apologist if this was done to a white child. No fucking way. This is a what people are talking about when we point out the lack of empathy people have for Black bodies. This is what people are talking about when we decry young non-white

My mother, my great Aunt and several people in my life were teachers. Per “Heavy” this guy had a long reputation of being violent with minors and he is currently being sued in federal court for racially profiling , harassing, beating and aiding in the expulsion of a teen he falsely accused of being a gang member.

Well, there is due process to follow, and the advantage of a federal probe is it means the officer won’t be investigated by his buddies. Just because he didn’t follow due process himself in “apprehending” the teen doesn’t mean he loses his right to due process. Two wrongs would not make a right. I want him

I had to use extreme force to arrest all these eight year olds because they weren’t listening to me when I told them to sit down and be quiet, and then they kept saying I was farting, which was a lie, and then they wouldn’t stop making fart noises! I had to make a choice, and the choice I made was to beat up some kids

Seriously, if this is the culture these kids are going to school in, I wouldn’t give up my cell phone either!

We wouldn’t have the videos if none of them had phones.

I’m really fucking glad whomever videotaped this had their cell phone. Having a cell phone on you is a matter of personal safety now.

Remember folks, if you do nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from the police.

When I was 16, I went into treatment for an eating disorder, that would later come back for ten more years. However, I will always remember what a nurse practitioner said to me when I was 16: she told me that I was brave and resourceful for having found a way to cope. She said it happened to be the case that I had

It’s amazing to me how much so-called addiction is really undiagnosed/untreated mental illness. I know two veterans who everyone thought were “alcoholics” (a term quickly losing favor—if not out of favor already—in the medical community). One was doing the AA thing. Both finally got properly medicated and treated for