
“...once we’re done with anal. “

Actually, arguing for consoles to be the forefront against monopoly is the worst take. A console is closed platform; worse than iphone. 

Trading Places is my favorite Christmas movie. In some ways, it’s a lot like It’s a Wonderful Life.

Rule #1: Don't cheap out on toilets. Quality ones will last a long time as others have said in the comments. 

I heard that the state is now appointing them with a new title as the Moral Security Police

I don't know the price now, but I gotta lot of LED bulbs from Ikea for a $1 each. 

Aww no mention of Star Citizen? 😏

Spending money on a building, employees and equipment to produce a video that has ads? Those monsters!

Use one. Even better, save money and use liquid detergent. 

Yes, they're typically called improvised explosive device. 

Instead of guns, how about a lesson or an emphasis that killing another person is bad.

That's not parenting with fear. That's just straigh-out lying to your kids. 

Guys, it's ok. He's a union member. 

Does anal count as a sex position?

Earwax naturally comes out on its own through the motion of chewing with the jaw. It rolls out into a tiny little ball of wax in an inopportune moments.

Kinda hard to be empathic with the other driver when they have their middle finger sticking at you. 

“Try not to break any bones. I don’t feel like driving to the hospital today.”

Perhaps the addition of MTX in GT7 is all part of the “good virtuous cycle”.

Slowing down to speak is probably a hard habit to break because our mind just dumps a whole bunch of ideas faster than our mouth can spit it out. For me, in the beginning, what helped me slow down my speech is by following Andy Bernard’s Savannah accent tip: speak like it’s molasses just sorta spillin’ outta your

Just be glad it's not by Uwe Boll.