
If Puig keeps up this pace it shouldn’t be long before we see him in AA.

That is a truly awful shirt and you should be embarrassed to own it. Good grief.

All pilots are trained not with flight simulators but by listening to Pink Floyd and Tom Petty’s “Learning to Fly”

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

But if they’re family then you don’t have to pay them.

The fact that, across the country, millions of people give a fuck about college sports beyond the level of fuck that is given about, say, a high school football game in Not-Texas, is a cancer in our society.

I feel like I’m in a sort of unique position—I’m a former NCAA DI coach who now teaches at a large state school. Man, I love having athletes in my classes, so it always makes me sad/frustrated when athletes express this idea that they think all faculty are against them. Many faculty truly enjoy university athletics

oh....that’s....that’s a wallet

No, the best part is that this was played in Idaho. There is a place called “Coeur d’Alene” in the potato capital of the USA. I kept looking on google maps, zooming out, thinking “surely I’ll see the Bahamas or Cayman Islands or something here soon...” Imagine my surprise when the word “Montana” came into focus.

KD went full McVeigh on OKC.

So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?

Isn’t Mike Tyson a practicing Muslim?

I’ve found that the best way to annoy Celtics fans is to pronounce both C’s in “Celtics” with the hard “K” sound. They really hate that.

The spacing for a Oladipo-Westbrook backcourt will look like the Chilean miner’s cave.

No. The average annual income of a person in Afghanistan is $1,100, so you’re absurdly wealthy by those standards too. It’s all relative. Everyone is aware of that without the need to call it out every time sports salaries come up.

Buffon’s so fucking good he kept a clean sheet against Belgium while totally shitfaced.

I bet this guy is a Cardinals fan.

“I started to feel like I was Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory

Roger Goodell: [is constantly abused by fans of other 31 NFL teams]

Actually, sharks are cartilaginous, not boned.