Riot Nrrrd™

I felt the same way. I'd never heard of her, either. She may be being sarcastic saying "major celebrity", but I was nevertheless shocked to find out that she was on Craig Ferguson's show (with first guest Jay Leno looking on as well), which is certainly something of an accomplishment.

The trouble is, it's myopic to assume that "The Industry" is isomorphic to "L.A." Maybe it seems like it to the rest of the world, but remember that L.A. has become this megalopolis of 10+ million people that extends from Santa Barbara nearly to San Diego (only stopped by Camp Pendleton), and I assure you that the

I solved the drinking water/drought issue by only drinking imported bottled Evian and Mexican Cokes :-)

If you have a 401(k) equivalent (like a 403(b) or something else) at age 24, you're well ahead of the game. "Compound interest" has been taken off the table, but investing when you're in your 20s will really benefit you over the long run. I've seen so many older folks (age 50+) with little to no retirement savings

Awesome post. Couldn't agree more.

Good one, but I was away and didn't watch it :(

"I took a moment that night to let the audience know they didn’t have to feel weird about my living in Los Angeles. After all, it’s clearly working for me. I’m a major celebrity."

And you'd be wrong about that.

This is quite true. L.A. is like a thousand little Universes, all un-alike. Many times in print or online I've seen things like Brits slagging off the place - "Oh I hate L.A.". I just think, "Heh, you don't even know L.A. at all. I could show you a million places that don't resemble anything you've seen here. But

Jean-Luc, I moved from Boston to L.A. (Pasadena at the time) in 1976. I didn't move for "showbiz" either (to this day, I only know a couple of people "in the biz" and they are more graphics designers/animator types). I moved to go to the greatest university in the world and, after doing a few learning IT jobs

You're right about Bowie Bonds, but that doesn't apply to this particular situation. (See my explanation from last night.) There's undoubtedly a connection between the fact that Tony Visconti was buddy-buddies with Fly Records' owner David Platz and the fact that Fly's publishing arm Onward Music Ltd. still owns the

The copyright holder on "Space Oddity" is actually an organization called "Onward Music Ltd.", which was a publishing arm of Fly Records, an obscure '70s label owned by a certain David Platz. Fly Records' first release was T-Rex's "Ride A White Swan", produced by long-time Bowie producer Tony Visconti.

So who bought the AFX "Analogue Bubblebath 5" and "Melodies From Mars" test pressings for $13,100 and $14,900, respectively? Same dude?