

One thing, Burgle not showing up online, and also not being detected by sensors from doors and hand washes is a eerie touch.

Oh, completely skipped that word. Sorry, peanut. Technically this episode is "a simpler time in Europe" sorta thing that Woody loves to do, what with Midnight In Paris and all. I gotta say I love the show all the same.

He's still alive though

He reminded me of Bill hicks a lot. The provocative dickishness, the shouting, the cool/weird microphone sounds, the nihilistic rage. Amazing stuff.

This is confusing as hell.

Sharp idea!

Does this have anything to do with Joshua WIlliamson's comicbook?

Pronounced Donger?



This album is quality trash, with which they'll make quality cash. FAILING aged metallers put out new album, which Megadeth did BEFORE and much BETTER. SAD!

Fully agree with 1, 2, 4 and 5.

C+ sounds about right. Haven't seen Darling yet, but a similar movie that comes to mind is The House Of The Devil. Different sort of horror, but again most of the movie is just one character doing stuff, mostly in one location. Its hard to really compare because what Pretty Thing tries is much more difficult to

Yeah, that is true. Fair point.

Remake was so stupid and pointless. I don't get why they did it if they were just going to change the entire point of the movie. By the way, France and Canada are both Western countries. While its arguable that America is wester than both France and even Canada (thanks Alaska), its hard to say that it makes the

Just saw this. I like horror movies and can sit through the slowest of slow burns. But this movie…to me it just felt slow. The weird monologue felt extremely hammy and childish, like somebody telling a campfire tale. And to me that completely took away the doomy atmosphere that he cleay tried for. The "pay-off", while

Never again.

Word. Communism is dead. Fuck 2016.

Hahaha shit, I was thinking of the Ne Obluiviscaris album when I wrote that comment, but I thought I'd be fair and go with MH and Bloodbath. Great album though.