you’re not good enough to where Reaper having a sombrero, or Reinhardt not having a helm will make a difference.. sorry to tell you, but you’re not, AND if you are, the sombrero, or the helm will not matter.
you’re not good enough to where Reaper having a sombrero, or Reinhardt not having a helm will make a difference.. sorry to tell you, but you’re not, AND if you are, the sombrero, or the helm will not matter.
All characters are distinct enough to be able to make out a difference, no matter what they are wearing, there is no way you will confuse a mcree with a reaper because of their hat... if you find yourself unable to differentiate between a Mcree and a Reaper for example,then 1) you are too close, and about to die no…
This may be incredibly agressive, or incredibly dumb... not sure just yet, but I like to counter Reinhardt by running past his shield, may just be that the reinhards I go up against don’t realize they can 2 shot me.... they tend to just keep their shield up and try to turn it to me, like it will stop me from smacking…