Ricardo Normand

Thanks! Last question. Recently a lot of buzz happened regarding we could be living in a Simulation world/universe like Matrix. What is your opinion?

Juno’s closest approaches are between 3000 and 5000 km from the cloud top altitudes. Detection of a solid core by eliminating models that don’t fit the gravity mapping results is one of the ‘holy grails’ of the mission. But it’s going to be difficult and probably still a bit model-dependent.


The focus of the mission is on the interior, parts of the planet we’ve never seen before. We on the science team also thought it was a shame to sent a spacecraft to Jupiter without a camera. So we thought getting a less expensive camera on board, so we wouldn’t pass the cost cap for the New Horizons series of

How close Juno will be? If there is a solid core do you think it will possible to check this information?

When can we expect the first pictures / data from Juno?