
Well, historically people did consider Italians PoC or not wholly white. My waspy great grandma was opposed to my grandpa marrying my Italian grandma because all their children would be `black-eyed Susans.’ Yup. People had racist terms for brown-eyed people. :/ However, if we’re going to go with this olden days

Yeah, I wondered about that myself. Also, using that criteria, why exclude Bella Hadid? Her dad is a Jordanian-American who was born in Nazareth.

I’ve been a huge BD Wong fan forever. I think I was the only fan of “All American Girl” other than Wong and Cho’s families. Yu’s right, it shouldn’t be considered crazy. On a similar note—have you ever realized how many ethnicitys Lou Diamond Phillips has played? That is some amazing bullshit.

No she wasn’t. The “before” picture reflects surgical alterations as well. Her original nose was quite charactery and she had super messed up teeth to boot.

When I got knocked up all I got was a baby, and this bitch is birthing whole planets.

What was her face before the nose job?

Currently working from Oakland. LOVE OAKLAND! OAKLAND IS AMAZING!

“Who are you talking to?” and older woman’s voice shouted worriedly from the background.

You’ll be fine. I have friends from nearby and heard good things. There is a whole range of people in that area and us foreigns get decent treatment in California.

I just looked it up. When I lived in Oakland (throughout the nineties), it was the most integrated city in the United States. Now it is the second most integrated: it is, however, the first in diversity. Both charts can be found here.

I don’t think it’s the most integrated city in the country (I would certainly hope not) but it can be a great place to live if you have enough money to deal with the ever rising housing costs. Great lake, great food, Boots Riley and sunshine.

Very comfortable. Oakland is the most integrated city in the United States. And the nicest, most social, positive vibe I have ever experienced, anywhere. Lovely people. Like the best part of the seventies: communal, friendly, people looking out for each other, and totally cosmopolitan. So nice. Really such a great

The best part about this is that at least one of the delegates rejected for not being a democrat admitted that he changed from democrat to independent as a fuck you to the democratic party a little over a month ago (after the county convention) and then got mad as hell when he found out at check-in that it was a

you’re also tacitly condoning what is going on. I may be misunderstanding you, and if so I apologize. You make it sound like it’s ok to fight back against the unfair stuff if Sanders lost, but if Sanders won its “just what he has to work with”.

Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though

Want to know what’s really undemocratic? Caucuses. If BSers actually cared about the democratic process they would be protesting the caucus system, not the archaic rules within. Just scrap that whole system and go to primaries.

I boycotted Gods of Egypt because none of the actors who played the gods were actually gods in real life.

but god? He prob would have done that. Old testament god is a total dick

Seth Woken