I dunno guys I’m just thankful we didn’t end up with that AWFUL woman with her EXTREMELY conflict-filled AAA-rated life-saving CHARITY as president though, right?
Cute wedding hashtags: the latest in a long line of things I scorn for no reason.
You are wrong, sir! This is the best, most magnificent song from Frozen.
I currently work with a Mormon and have Mormon family members—that is not normal.
Or just Felix. Sylvester was set on wiping her but Felix didn’t. I strongly believe they are hosts. Did you see how Felix cauterized the wound Maeve gave Sylvester and it was gone? Try that on a human.
I’d go with fascists, except that a lot of people don’t know what fascists are, exactly. They have a vague thought that Mussolini and Hitler were fascists, therefore fascists are bad, but aside from that they’re out of their depth. I’d go with neo-Nazi, Nazi being pretty clear, and keep fascists for people who know…
On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner
I appreciate, probably waaaaaaay more than I should, that you correctly spelled sequins. I worked in the couture bridal industry for years and the number of people who think it’s spelled sequence is too. damn. high.
The NHS is a loss leader, there is absolutely no point in treating it like a business. If you do you get the American healthcare model.
Let’s hope the daughter countersues this — person — for harassment and emotional distress.
“Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency. The last thing he would want to do was take a position that could cripple the presidency.”
Today, a Russian diplomat said that the Russian government and the Trump campaign were in contact through out the Election. I’ve seen it reported by the New York Times and Rachel Maddow and no other outlets.
I’m still mad that Knorth didn’t happen.
....as well as three of Chyna’s sisters, her dear friend Treasure, and mom Tokyo Toni who fly...
I know, sorry to pile on. Hearing of a horrific evil crime puts us all on edge, I think. I was being a little mean, and I’m sorry.
I know, it’s ridiculous and comes off as, “she should just be thankful he saved her,” like he swooped in there singlehandedly and pried open the doors with his bear hands and also like it wasn’t his job and ALSO like women should just be grateful and not care what men who are PROTECTING them call them they should just…
I cannot believe the vitriol I am receiving for making the suggestion that the cops who liberate a victim of a serious sex crime be slightly mindful of not infantalizing said victims with their words. You’d think I’d have suggested people throw her back in the storage container.