
Evan Ross. I find this all to be very interesting. So, albino Black people should also be played by white people because of skin color? That’s the logical conclusion from everybody pointing out that Michael has literal white skin. Nevermind the fact that Michael never hated being Black and was quite upset when Pepsi

This is going to be my new fighting tactic. “Fuck you! I like your pants!”

As a cat, I think of myself as hate based.


Can we go with average-sized instead? All bodies are normal bodies, unless we’re perhaps talking about medical literature.

Congratulations you’re not a Kardashian, you have taste! I was thinking the same thing.

It says you weren’t thinking clearly because duh...it’s Kim. I know Kanye thinks they’re totes tasteful, but.

Try www.proxfree.com .I’ve just used it and this is the only one that worked for those “not available in your country” videos .

But wait what has Kris done with the marble?

wow! really? everyone i know DIDN’T see that movie! it’s like a science!

And she said she searched everywhere..sheesh

Why would Kris feel entitled to the marble? Also I am in the same situation as Aussie but I am a Canad. This just seems like a ploy from the producers, no way Kris can move marble all by herself without breaking it.

I would be too - a quick search turned up that is was $5000 for a 24x24 slab?? And yes it is tacky - or at least nothing special.

I'm impressed that you were able to conjure up a mental image. I had to google it. But I think it just says about you that you know about interior decoration a bit. It IS tacky. So of course Kim would have it. And of course Kris would steal it.

I was a little bit curious too, but also not enough to watch it. I’m sure you and I had more fun reading these descriptions anyway! :-)

Kim says “mom you took ten slabs of marble”

Kim is mad at Kris because Kris stole 10 slabs of Italian marble that was meant for Kanye’s bathroom. Now Kim has to redo his entire bathroom because the marble that was meant to go with the design is unavailable. So Kim charges Kris for the Marble. Kris is taken aback by Kim actually charging her for the marble. Kris

Kris stole 10 slabs of marble from Kim (who is redoing her house). Kris did not realize Kim would charge her for the marble, and says she'll just get her more. But Kim says she's called everyone and there is no Calcutta Gold marble in the country, only Calcutta. She does not want Calcutta. So Kris says she will find

Kris stole Kim’s hella fancy marble. Kim can’t find anymore anywhere else. Kris is like, lol whatevs it’s like totes NBD I’ll find you some more and when I do I want 1mil and Kim’s like ok. The End.

Kris took some marble that Kim had ordered while staying at her mother’s house. It was for Kim’s house and presumably is hard to find and expensive, so she said she was going to charge her mom for the expense. Kris was incredulous that her daughter would do that and offered to find replacements. Kim said she’s already