
I see a lot of golden child problems in my partner, I feel like I had to bring his confidence down a notch over the past 10 years and he is still very self assured. I still have to tell him to be nice to his brother, I also have put a stop to the dudetrums.

My IG is private and I refuse to let my partner follow my for two reasons.

This will make my brother feel a little better after my cat managed to climb to his top shelf and shred his collection into a nest. He kept the most expensive one on top.

I’m a graphic designer and footwear designer so I’m more on the commercial side. I have however writen art essays for people studying it that maybe shouldn’t have been for money reasons. My mother was also an art and modern history teacher.

Ghostbusters didn’t do bad, the director overspent and filmed and edited entire high cost sequences that were not included in the film such as shutting down times square so Chris Hemsworth could dance.

The alternative in my head “Well some times when an man and woman love each other.... and sometimes he doesn’t love her... and sometimes she doesn’t have to be there... and sometimes he just want to look at a photo... and sometimes rope is involved...”

Google “Déjeuner sur l’herbe manet” When the subject stares at the viewer it creates an awareness of the subject and realisim. Nudes in High art were meant to be goddesses or angels and not aware of their impropriety.

I find that mildly hilarious. “Oh, no! Those nipples have instantly become sexy! Quick! Cover them before some poor 15 year old boy is overcome by the requirement to fondle himself!”

Emphasis on “may”? I want to see the reciepts on that one.

One of us. One of us. One of us. ONE OF US!

Good luck!

In your country it is illegal. It is not illegal everywhere. Even then there is nothing on the covers of the girlie mags that my kid hasn’t seen at an art gallery. Nudity and porn is subjective, it annoys me more that they are hairless and over photoshopped. In high art the difference between artistic nudes and

If you are in an airport newsagency in a country they don’t cover porn, your kid walks in while you are in the shower, you change the channel and any 90's stoner comedy is on. Stop trying to make this something it isn’t.

But for this magazine cover or brief glimpses of female nudity say on a cover of a crappy magazine at the airport you just make it really mundane then move them away.

Kara has been shot by a stay bullet, became lost in the Favellas for three hours and experienced and existential crisis but SHE’S FINE!

My son: “What are those?”

It was her necklace and her money. She was allowed to do what she wanted with it.

Ohhh! Got it! thanks

Yeah, things in Australian did not improve for the Indigenous popluation until there was a cultural split from England. European Imperial leaders were all the same because they were all the same interbred family. I don’t personally know of any sterilization policy in Australia, obviously there is the stolen generation

No, it is very different country to country, it is even different state to state in Australia.