
We went to a restaurant without a kids menu. Every time we went our son would not eat at all.

Don't mention Trump and film. I imagine he has a film of tic tac sugar on his teeth (or dentures or implants) at all times

This better get him some prison time, dammit.

This is just so upsetting and disturbing I just can't. What is it with powerful men and pee?


Love him

Weird that they would be so caring.

Didn't see it in this episode which is weird.

Dana Ashbrook still has a full head of hair… maybe a little (okay, a lot) grayer but….

He has been hitting the gym in a major way. Did he have a fat suit as the real Dougie? Did he gain and lose weight?

I don't want to think about it. It's the stuff of nightmares. Damn you, Lynch.

Oh, and there's Moby just playing in the background like a normal person

Candie is brain damaged. There is no other explanation.
And that scene with Richard Horne and his grandmother with Johnny and that awful teddy bear. I think it's up there with top the disturbing Lynchian moments.

That doctor should lose his board certification. I can understand he distraction. Kyle MacLachlan has been hitting the gym! He's in great shape for his age. He's way into his fifties. Oh, and that sex scene. I thought it was hilarious and adorable. It is a bit bizarre to think that he isn't really able to give

I have been working out since the eighties and that Pony Sweat thing definitely brings me back. It's definitely updated eighties with an edge. The moves are not new, though. But the thought of exercising to Flock of Seagulls is enticing. I might try it.

Oh god… I feel sorry for his wife. He held onto Macron and kissed her at the same time. 😷😷😷 In my imagination (which can be awful and cruel but accurate) Trump has awful breath.(tic tacs not withstanding)

Melania knows what to do when he offers his hand.

Nah…they have all been adequately trained in Hillary hate

Angelo Moore was so amazing at the Bowie tribute concert in NYC. He is quite a personality.

Believe it or not TMBG still put on a great and hilarious live show. I am old enough to remember them from their heyday but at the shows you get twenty and thirty something year old fans who are so enthusiastic. I've seen them many times in Brooklyn and it's always fun. They do comedic interludes in between songs and