
I don't have time to watch too many shows. I do watch some political comedy stuff like The President Show and occasionally The Daily Show or Jim Jeffries. I have not gotten into GOT. It seems so involved. I have only seen a few episodes.
This year I am really getting to into Twin Peaks. I think I picked the right

I'm working on my music. I finding it so much easier to sing truly well and expressively without trying to play the piano at the same time. I want to learn to do both at a high level simultaneously but so far both suffer if I try.

It's getting truly surreal. The best we can do is see their unhinged defense as entertainment

Reminds me, Curb is coming back in October!

Well aren't you a sweetheart. Bless your little soul. I get my entertainment from watching fun shows and interacting with other humans in a decent way. You might want to try that.

And this is with makeup. 😬

She's almost a year younger than me. I do not understand.

Not for laughs. She is deadly serious. She needs their blood to survive.


Smoking is my guess. Never noticed them much. Now I will. He has good hair though.

It's just a little dust in my eye … from the path that you made when you said your goodbye

One aside, do they have special mouthpieces or a coating to make your teeth look temporarily awful? And that rash, she really needs to get that checked out.

I enjoyed the episode. There was enough weirdness, character driven comedy and emotion to satisfy me. The Dana Ashbrook stuff warmed my heart. And I got to see a lot of Dana Ashbrook 😃


Yeah. It's actually not that much information. It could have been many scenarios. I wonder if he could have been saved

It could be any of these things. I find that medical information given out by the media like this could be from family members or spokespeople and is generally not accurate or complete. It's just a sad situation I wonder if he could have been saved.

Yeah. High blood pressure is endemic. I would like to be certain. This could have been prevented with proper treatment. Hope your mother feels better soon!

I always rooted for him.

As a physician, I want to know what happened. "Heart failure" is too broad. He was so young. I know it's none of my business but I cannot help it. Was this expected? Was there anything that could have been done? It's just sad.