
On the plus side, I know a family with a Samantha and a Tabitha. 😃

Did he account for frequency of word use? Perhaps the "after c" rule is helpful because several extremely common words have a "c" then an "ei."

I don't like coconut milk. It's too watery. Maybe condensed would be better. I'll keep an eye out for it.

My digestive tract can only handle a certain amount of lactose. Condensed milk is like super lactose. I may make the sacrifice, though, and arm myself with lactaid tablets. This sounds delicious.

Doesn't seem "lodgey" enough imho. But who knows?

I know. People are like, "During the first Twin Peaks series my grandparents were embryos" I was like, an adult. God I'm old. I remember the Reagan administration relatively clearly.

Nightmare fuel

Doh! I always forget that. It will be my next tattoo

Right? Maybe I'm old but is everyone commodifying themselves?

Omg. It is light years ahead of SNL. Who knew doing the entire show in character would open up so many possibilities? It's like a surreal nightmare scape …but in a good way. How else to portray the surreal nightmare that is actually unfolding in our country?

Take it as a dream. Enjoy the atmosphere and read up online only if you want to. Trust me. Even if you had watched every minute of every original episode and FWWM you would still be mystified. Enjoy the mystery.

I had the weirdest dreams last night after watching. The emotional tone of the show stayed with me … and is still with me. Don't know if that's bad or good. It is an indication of a good work of art though.

"Got a light?" - Arghhhhh!!

This is an incredible story of a strong woman who is dying because her parents denied her care but is still fighting for others ->

Oh, I turned my head away for most of it.

I am still recovering from this. It was deeply unsettling and moving in an odd way. I definitely thought of 2001 Space Odyssey fro large segments of it. I cannot decide which was more disturbing, the bug thing or the woodsman who crushed skulls.

Certainly he destroyed my sanity tonight. I may never sleep again. Yet it was amazing.

Saw it. I think. Actually, I don't know what just happened. I think my tv kidnapped me. No! I don't have a light!

This episode outweirded anything Lynch has ever done with the possible exception of Eraserhead. I am still recovering. "Got a light?" Arghhhh!

I survived Twin Peaks episode eight and all I got was this damn t shirt.